Who We Are

Founded in 1972, the Tiburon Police Officers Association (TPOA) proudly serves the Tiburon community and surrounding areas with quality and professional law enforcement services. The sole purpose of the TPOA is to represent Tiburon Police Officers in matters relating to employment, benefits and general well-being. Membership is open to all active, reserve, and non-sworn employees of the Tiburon Police Department.

The goal of the Tiburon Police Officers Association is to partner with the community and provide quality police services through community interaction, emphasizing the highest degree of cooperation, professionalism and ethical behavior, and to create an atmosphere of safety and security. Our community policing approach helps keep neighborhoods safe by working with our police officers daily.

In 2021, the Tiburon Police Officers Association (TPOA) is made up of eleven sworn law enforcement officers and three non-sworn employees.

Four police officers in front of sea
Two officers with shark mascot